Financial impact

Q How will the Zoo cope without the car park?
A The Zoo has two car parks of its own already.  As long as it can go on using the Downs at low cost, the Zoo has no incentive to change and will simply continue to abuse the Downs as it has for decades.  

Q Won’t loss of the car park threaten the Zoo’s viability?
A The Zoo has produced no evidence of this. There is no reason why the Zoo should continue to make a profit from parking by abusing the Downs.

Q Doesn’t the Zoo bring important tourist revenue to Bristol?
A  Travel surveys show that nearly all visitors who drive from outside Bristol come to the Zoo for the day. They do not visit anywhere else in the city. 

Highway impact

Q Won’t there be chaos on the streets of Clifton if the Zoo stops parking on the Downs?
A  Is the answer to Clifton's problems to allow car parking on the Downs?  

 Q What other options does the Zoo have?
Many visitors to the Zoo come by car from South Wales, so using the car park on the Portway for a Park and Ride scheme seems a sensible way forward.  

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